John S. Varner, Acupuncturist
Amherst, MA
The following links are intended to help you find more information about Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and health.
http://www.acupuncture.com/education/tcmbasics/index.htm - the education section of the popular website Acupuncture.com
http://www.itmonline.org/ - The Institute of Traditional Medicine offers in depth information for students, practitioners and patients
http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/home.php - acupuncture, herbs, and related topics
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez - Portal for the National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine, source for general medicine and research information
http://nesa.edu/ - Home of the New England School of Acupuncture, oldest acupuncture school in the U.S.
"Green Medicine, Muddy Water", an article on herbal safety and regulation by John S. Varner that first appeared in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicne, Vol. 7, #4, is available upon request. Please e-mail for the pdf. or attached file word document.